Summary: | Red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) i s fruit vegetables which is consumed
daily. Chili needed from year to year but crop yield has decreased. This is caused
by Fusarium wilt disease. Disease control is commonly used a fungicide but it
may lead harmful residues to the environment. One alternative controlling that
could be done is by utilizing vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi. The
purpose of this study was to identify the types of Fusarium wilt disease that attack
pepper, select the Fusarium which had the highest effectively against Fusarium
wilt disease and determine the effect of VAM inoculum to growth and
suppression of Fusarium wilt disease intensity in pepper. Method of this research
included isolation and identification of F. oxysporum causing Fusarium wilt of
pepper plant roots, based on macroscopic and microscopic characters, surface
color, presence or absence of color pigment, hyphae, macroconidia, microconidia
and false heads. Then F. oxysporum was tested in vitro and in vivo by inoculating
VAM, inoculation of F. oxysporum was done 6 weeks after VAM inoculum.
Observation of the growth parameters included the number of leaves, plant height,
root length, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root dry
weight, root disease index and the percentage of infected VAM. The results
showed that treatment of VAM significantly affect the growth parameters but did
not affect the presence of F. oxysporum. Fusarium wilt disease attacked in pepper
were F. oxysporum and F. solani. with the highest intensity was the F. oxysporum.
VAM inoculum affected plant growth and didn�t affect the intensity of wilt
disease suppression.