Summary: | Research on the determination of the contribution/royalties on BOT
cooperation with hotel product has not been done. A lot of research in general
focuses on analyzing the factors that affect cooperation of BOT, or focusing on
the valuation of assets in the BMN with the hotel as product with the BOT.
In this study, the authors chose the use of state property cq. Air Force,
Ambhara which it is built with the cooperation of the BOT, which began when the
hotel began operating on 1995. Land that is used in cooperation BOT which is
under the administration of the Indonesian National Armed Forces Headquarters
with land area of 5,252 m2. In accordance with on the Deed No. 65 dated May 29,
1990 and amended agreement by Deed 95 dated January 30, 1995, BOT
cooperation is carried out for 30 years and will expire in 2025. Research was quite
interesting considering that since the agreement on cooperation agreement in
1990, the government represented by the administration of Indonesian National
Armed Forces Headquarters has received contributions in the form of royalties,
including fines if any delay in the payment of the royalties.
Based on the calculation of the value of assessing Hotel Valuation
Formula - Ten Year DCF obtained as at 24 April 2014 amounted to
IDR174.456.453.000 which is the overall value of the hotel building and the land
area. Then the calculation of the value of assessing the cost approach obtained
with a total value of IDR53,540,200,000.00. Then reconciliation values were
calculated using the weighted average generated is IDR72,413,265,812.00. This
value is assumed to be a number of investment in the hotel today. The calculation
of the value of the royalty as well as the hotel investment feasibility associated
with capital budgeting, it can be calculated royalty/compensation to be paid until
the expiration of the BOT cooperation.
Based on the conclusion that the amount of compensation / royalties to be
paid to the management Ambhara landowners in this case the Air Force to use the
hotel investment appraisal is IDR27,855,970,000.00 (exchange rate of IDR12,000
per 1US $). It is represents the total compensation/royalties on the remaining term
of BOT in 2025.
Keywords: hotel valuation, income approach, valuation formulas hotels-ten year
DCF, the cost approach, BOT, weighted average, capital budgeting