Summary: | Background: Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2012 showed that
83% births on Indonesia assisted by skilled birth attendant. Skilled birth attendant
defined as Obstetrician, physician, nurse or midwife. There are about 55,000
physicians and 15,000 specialists in Indonesia, which 2,100 are Obstetricians (World
Bank, 2009). The data showed that overall physicians birth attending less than 10%
after increase in the period 1987-2002 , and declined in 2002 (BPS, IDHS 2007) .
Recent data showed physician�s utilization only 1% (BPS, IDHS 2012).
Objective: to examine physician�s role in maternal care on Puskesmas, their
perceptions and opinions on maternal care.
Methods: a descriptive analytic design through a mixed method by cross sectional
approach. Quantitative data collection by questionnaire to 53% of physician�s
population on 18 Puskesmas as respondents on Yogyakarta City. The physician�s role
stately by perception of regulation, perception of resources/equipment, and perception
of workload as variables. Qualitative data retrieved from midwife and obstetrician
performed on their opinion of physician's role in maternal care on Puskesmas.
Quantitative Results: 8.3% of respondents good in criteria, 47.2% is quite good, and
44.4% unfavorable. In the variable resource / equipment 52.8 % of respondents stated
that the resources / equipment necessary to provide maternal care is still not complete
in their Puskesmas, 25% rate the resource / equipment is quite complete , and 22.2%
complete . In Workload Perception, 55.6% of respondents believe their workload at
the Puskesmas is thin, while 44.4 % thought their workload was generous. Perception
of regulation 72.2% physicians are very less or lower, 22.2% of respondent�s
perception is quite good, and 5.6% good. Qualitative Results: Physicians never do
assessment for ANC, INC and PNC, and �stand-in� as coordinator of BEONC Team
Conclusion: The physician�s role in maternal has decreased in Yogyakarta�s
Puskesmas initiated by government regulation, role perception of the clinical
competence by pre-service training and in-service training deficit effects,
insufficiency remuneration, lack of role definition by HR policies outcomes on
maternal neonatal care.
Keywords: Physician�s Puskesmas, Maternal Care in Puskesmas, Physician�s Role,
Physician�s Perception, Physician�s Opinion