Summary: | Background: Increasingly diverse human activities, the more garbage generated.
Data from BLH In Bantul result of waste in community up 636,17 ton of days.
The number of waste be carried in final waste disposal on average 41,101 ton per
day, so have residual are 595,069 ton. Sedekah sampah is charity of trash is
alternative waste management basic community for reducing number of waste. It
has been implementation in Karet Village, Distric Pleret Bantul Yogyakarta. For
assess the success of sedekah sampah need research about effectiveness of
implementation sedekah sampah in Karet Village, Distric Pleret Bantul
Objective: Purpose of study to know implementation sedekah sampah in Karet
Village, Pleret Bantul including the activity of sedekah sampah, benefit of the
program, people�s behavior to manage of waste.
Methods: Methods of this study is qualitative research with case study approach.
Location of study at RT 1 Karet Village Pleret Bantul Yogyakarta. The subjects
use proposive sampling, consist of implementator of sedekah sampah in Karet
Village Pleret Bantul, stakeholder, health institution officer, person in charge form
Non Government Organization. Data collection by indepth interview, focus group
discussion, and observation.
Results: Overall implementation sedekah sampah in Village Karet Pleret Bantul
running on the road. It�s seen from steps implementation sedekah sampah well
implant, people�s behavior are change after implementation sedekah sampah, such
as reduce burning trash, throw trash in vain. Because people�s in community did
sorting of waste according to the type and provide for the benefit of society with
sincerity. Partisipation of society to implementation sedekah sampah more
optimal with indicator increase membership of sedekah sampah. After community
did the sedekah sampah, they get benefits to public health, social economic, and
benefit of psicologis, added value from this program is community do a develop
program, nutrition garden which is utilization of organic waste.
Conclusion: Activities of sedekah sampah implemented at Karet village. Need to
increase activity and engagement of government in order to strengthen
sustainability the program.
Keywords: Sedekah sampah, sustainability, community