Summary: | The European arrived to Java along with their traditions and customs
which they had performed in their place of origins. One of the customs was
consuming alcoholic drink. Consuming alcoholic drink was not only to satisfy
thirst, but also implicated economically, culturally and socially.
The main problem of this study is the consumption and distribution of
alcoholic drinks along with outward appearances of the image of modernity in
relation to the alcoholic drink in Surabaya. This is a historical study which
temporally limited in 1900-1942, and spatially in Surabaya. The principal sources
used for this study were pictures of advertisements, local and colonial archives,
newspapers, periodicals, articles and books housed at the National Library of
Indonesia (PNRI), libraries at Gadjah Mada University, local archives of East
Java, the National Archives of Indonesia (ANRI), library of Bappeda of East Java
and so forth.
The results of this study pointed out that the distribution of the European
alcoholic carried by merchant middlemen in which there are wholesalers and
retailers. Wholesalers largely a commodity importers international trade are the
Netherlands and Europe made use of import-export trade agencies in Surabaya.
While retailers derived from the Chinese, Arabs, and Indigenous. The traffic lane
of the alcoholic drinks was also distributed to places which became meeting
points of the Dutch (Europeans), direct purchase in large traders or importers as
well as through retailers are strictly controlled. Another aspect of the alcoholic
drinks was a clash of moral and modernity discourses. Nevertheless, the incessant
advertisements in which associated alcoholic drink with modern life-style made
moral issues disappear. The advertisements indicated modernity as was being
imaged by the society.
Keywords : European alcoholic drinks, the image of modernity,