Summary: | Copyright as an exclusive right that have meaning solely intended for the holder
so that no one else should take advantage of these rights without the permission of the
copyright holder. Implementation of copyright protection, especially in the field of art
music in Indonesia is not optimal. Although legal protection arrangements regarding
Copyright in Indonesia has been regulated by Law No. 19 of 2002 on Copyright, the
implementation of copyright protection field of art music encountered some obstacles.
This study identifies issues concerning copyright infringement or abuse of particular
field of art music in Indonesia. The case study research is the implementation of the
performing rights which occurred in Semarang city.
The method of this study used empirical jurisdiction approach, this study was
trying to synchronize implemented laws and regulations as stipulated in the Law on
Copyright (Undang-undang Hak Cipta) with the rules of the law against the provisions
stipulated by Yayasan Karya Cipta Indonesia and the application of legal rules fact in
Semarang city. This is a descriptive analytical study that describing the provisions of
the laws and regulations to the conditions that occur in the location of commercial
establishments in Semarang which implementing the performing right of music.
Based on these results, the protection of copyright as stipulated in the Copyright
Act not implemented well in Semarang. Copyright Foundation works as an institution
that has the role and authority in implementing copyright protection of works of the arts
announced music at commercial places still have problems. So, we need a persuasive
approach of the government to disseminate information and discussion on the
provisions stipulated in the legislation, such as Yayasan Karya Cipta Indonesia to the
copyright holder (user) and the creator itself.
Keywords: copyrights protection, performing right, field of art and music