Summary: | This study entitled "Notary's Code of Ethics Enforcement by The
Regional Board of Honor in Distric Sleman", aims to more determine, asses, and
analyze the obstacles being encountered by the Regional Board of Honor in
establishing the Code of Ethics in Sleman.
This study uses empirical and juridical approach which uses primary an
secondary data. The primary data is obtained through interviews while secondary
data is collected by literature study. Some notaries who are considered to be able
to meer the specified criteria to this study and approved by the Regional Board of
Honor are selected for interviews. In addition, interviews are also conducted with
the chairman of Indonesian Nottaries Association of Regional Sleman.
All data that has been collected is analyzed qualitatively. The result show
that the enforcement of the codes of ethics by Regional Board of Honor in District
Sleman is not yet properly running. This occurs because of some factors which
detain it's performance These factors are the process for imposing sanctions,
physchological approach, the quality of imposing sanctions and time and scope of
work area which is considered to be too broad. The solution that is possibly done
by the Regional Board of Honor in enforcing code of ethics within notaries in
Sleman is by monitoring consecutively to provide direction and guidance in the
form of conducting meetings once every three months.The Regional Board of
Honor is also expected to give oral and/or written sanctions and provide the files
of it's imposing.
Keywords: Notary, DKD (Regional Board of Honor), Code of Ethics,
Enforcement, and District Sleman