Summary: | Loss of teeth due to caries, trauma, systemic conditions and periodontal disease,
can caused functional impairment, especially when used for mastication. Restoration fixed
denture (GTC) were direct the used of composite materials with fiber reinforcement was
often referred to as fiber- reinforced composite (FRC). UHMWPE was a non - impregnated
polyethylene fiber that has a flexural strength better than the pre - impregnated glass fiber.
This study aims to determine the effect of a combination of fiber position on flexural strength
and fracture toughness FRC UHMWPE .
This study was an experimental research laboratory. Materials research used
Polyethylene fiber (Construct, Kerr, USA) 2mm width, flowable composite resin (3M ESPE,
USA), silane (3M ESPETMSil, Germany). The sample in this study were the polyethylene
fiber reinforced composite (FRC) with size 2 x 2 x 25 mm divided into 3 groups combination
of fiber position. The first group were a combination of compression position - neutral, the
second group neutral position - the third group tension and compression position - tension
with the total number of samples were 18. FRC samples were tested using a universal testing
machine to determine the flexural strength (MPa) and fracture toughness (MPa - m1/2). The
difference in effect was measured using data analysis Anova 1 track and LSD (p < 0.05).
The results of statistical tested on samples FRC showed that there were significant
differences in the effect of all tested samples p = 0.00. Samples polyethylene fiber reinforced
composite (FRC) with a combination of compression position - tension has a flexural strength
of 189 MPa and a fracture toughness of 91.08 MPa - m1/2 the highest compared with other
samples. There were the effect of different combinations of polyethylene fiber position at
FRC samples of UHMWPE against flexural strength and fracture toughness. Based on the
test results of these samples can be said that the combination of fiber position compression -
tension on the application of fixed denture (GTC) can provide flexural strength of 189 MPa
and approaching the average optimal masticatory pressure of 193 MPa .
Keywords: fiber reinforced composite (FRC), UHMWPE, flexural strength, fracture
toughness, the combination of fiber position