Summary: | Analysis of the highest and best use to government-owned vacant land
located in Manggar Segara Sari Beach, East Balikpapan, done by the analysis of
productivity and the physical aspects of the property include the location as well
as the legal and regulatory aspects in order to obtain alternative uses which
allows. Next step is about market analysis which is analyze market demand and
supply, also financial feasibility study for every alternative.
In this study, the data were analyzed consist of primary data and secondary
data. Primary data includes data revenues, rents and expenditure proposed as an
alternative to the use, obtained by structured interview form, while the physical
data which includes the size, shape of the tread, topography, utilities and others
obtained through direct observation. Secondary data available at government
office such as BPKAD (Badan Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah), Badan
Pusat Statistik, and many others.
Based on the results of the market analysis, the proposed use of the third
consists of cottages, restaurants, and mixed use eligible to proceed to the stage of
financial analysis. Based on the financial feasibility indicators Net Present Value
(NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PP), Rate Return on
Investment (ROI), dan Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Mixed use is better than cottage
and restaurant that can be conclude mixed use is the highest and best use.