Summary: | Enough production of food and fodder are essential for sustainability. In times to come, the population of developed countries might be stabilized, but it will keep on increasing, in
developing countries, at the rate of average four per cent. This will warrant utilization of
certain carbon rich sources, which are easily available and can effortlessly be converted into
food and fodder, rich in protein and other essential nutrients. The production of bioproteins
(proteins derived from micro-organisms) by fermentation of cheaper carbon source is one of
the most promising breakthrough of biotechnological innovations, which will certainly
increase the availability of high quality affordable proteins in the world and reduce
dependence on animals. Due to the increasing demand for bioproteins, the efficient strains,
substrate and method must be used for high yield product.
In this study, we have made prudent efforts to produce maximum quantity of bioprotein by
liquid state bioconversion of wheat flour - a cheaper carbon source having high nutritional
value, high carbohydrate percentage and easily available in Malaysia. Screening of five
different microorganisms - Aspergillus niger, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, Mucor hiemalis and Thricoderma harzianum - was done with fixed process
conditions. Bioconversion was done in a 500 ml Erlenmeyer flask having 100 ml of wheat
flour with known concentration of 2% (w/v) at a temperature of 270C, agitation of 150 rpm
with 2% inoculum (106 spores/ml). Biomass production was recorded every day for six days
and the protein content was also determined every day. From the observed results, Mucor
hiemalis was found to be as the most potential strain with biomass of about 11.4 g/L on the
fourth day of treatment. With this promising result, the amount of bioproteins could be
further increased by optimizing process factors. This study may provide a better alternative in
agricultural products by converting cheaper carbon source to valuable and quality product
bioprotein, which can be used as supplement and additive in the animal feed as well as in
chemical and pharmaceutical industries.