Summary: | The title of this research is the concept of dreams within the thought of
Sigmund Freud: a human philosophy perspective. Freud with the concept of dreams
are going to be delved together in its relationship with human personality which is
one of the teaching aspects of human philosophy. The purpose of this research is to
describe the concept of dreams according to Sigmund Freud, to explain the ideas of
Sigmund Freud about human personality, and to find their relevances toward social
condition in Indonesia.
This research was conducted using the method of literature review in
characterization factual historical, and contained the concept of dreams according to
Freud as the material object, and the human philosophy especially human personality
as formal object. The method implemented was hermeneutics included two
methodical elements which were description, vertehejn, and interpretation of the
ideas of Freud and heuristics in order to gain a new paradigm extracted from those
ideas which were expected could play a useful role to social life in Indonesia.
The results of the research were, first, the concept of dreams according to
Sigmund Freud was a fulfillment of expectations, a realization of fear, an expression,
a warning, and a consideration of problems. Second, the human personality
contained three dynamically interacted elements that were identity, ego, and
superego. Third, their relevance toward social condition in Indonesia was appeared in
the phenomenon of sexual abuse that had taken place in number of times.