Summary: | Indonesia Horticulture Import Prohibition Policy in 2013 get opposition from
a number of Indonesia trading partners countries. This is reflected in the report to the
WTO DSB conducted by the United States to Indonesia. Given the policy of
horticulture import ban in the WTO safeguard measures framework, each State is
allowed to carry out protection to the domestic industry of invasion of imported
products as long as they comply with the requirements that have been determined.
There are three main things that must be met in line with safeguards that is increases
in imports, the existence of serious injury or threat of serious injury and there is a
causal link between the import surge with a serious injury occurring. The absence of
one of these terms means not in accordance with the principles of the safeguard
measures. Indonesia as a country that limits imports of horticultural products issued
this policy refers to the increase in imports of horticultural products that occur each
year. With the government's claim that at the time of implementation of these policies
were harvest time so the goverment afraid of the disruption to the domestic industry if
the import is not limited that refers to the aspect of serious injury. But the Indonesian
government can not show that the increase in imports is in line with WTO required
import surges and threat of serious injury also not visible with the domestic
horticulture production continue increasing. On the other hand, this policy disrupt
Indonesian trade relations with partner countries with the report to the WTO dispute.
If convicted, Indonesia threatened by retaliation action carried out by the State that
aggrieved of this policy.