Summary: | Yogr-akarta-sleman groundwater basin is onc of productile groundu'ater basins in Indonesia The
gro_undrvater basin is bLrilt by unconfineci sand_a<1ui1'er sysiem. Shce lhe early 1930's many schools'
inilersiries and hotels have been developed i11 this arca to suppof education and tourjqn A'rivilics
anrl since the beginning of 2000 s the numbcr ol buildings has jncreascd signjficar1lly' The
cievelopment has rJsulteJin a rapid rate of land use and population changes \\'ith- the conseqtencc oi
increasing groundvater pumping. |,'leasurement rcsuhs show tha! the rate of groundlvatcr table
degraciati-oicxcee<ls 0.5 m/l'ear al some districts underlain by thc Aoundwaler basin Recause oflhis
.oiditior,. it is necessary to assess the sus.epiib;1iry ol the aquifer io negarive impacts due 1() rhe
excessive groundwatel punrping- The assessminr was conducted by overlying facio$ such as aquifer
response c_haracteristics, "quifei
sto.age .t,".acteristics, thickness ofthe aquifer' depth to groundwater
tahic :nt1 rlistance liom ihe sca. The assess,rcnt results shorv that the excessile ground$aler
abstraction to tle aquifer has caused noderatc to high sLrsceptibiiity lt mcans rhat the groundtrater
pu:nping activities o; this groundwater basin should be r,anagcd and conirolled'