Summary: | The aimed of this research was to determine different fiber and tannin Caliandra calothyrsus
on in vitro digestibility in different defoliation. Calliandra calothyrsus is leguminosae family
and used as feed animal. Utilization Calliandra calothyrsus for ruminant can be limited by
tannin anti nutrient. The research had been held in 48 weeks. The treatment given was F1
(cutting every 6 weeks, with 8 cutting interval), F2 (cutting every 8 weeks, with 6 cutting
interval), F3 (cutting every 12 weeks, with 4 cutting interval), and F4 (cutting every 16
weeks, with 3 cutting interval). Caliandra calothyrsus was cut at edible portion (part of plant,
where get eaten by animal like young stem and leaf). This research was conducted during
June 2012 – June 2013 at Kaligesing area, Animal department, Purworejo, Central Java. This
research used randomized complete block design. Blocking was given at slope soil.
Parameters measured were tannin, fiber, and in vitro digestibility. The result showed that the
highest tannin was at F4 (8.08%) and different (P<0.05) with F2 (5.89%) and F1 (3.10%).
The highest neutral detergent fiber was at F4 (62.39%) and different (P<0.05) with F1, F2,
and F3. The highest acid detergent fiber was at F4 (51.65%) and different (P<0.05) with F1,
F2, and F3. The highest dry matter in vitro digestibility was at F4 (32.77%) and different
(P<0.05) with F1 (24.76%) and F2 (26.79%). It could be concluded that tannin increase with
enhancement defoliation at the same age but the different tannin not influence in vitro