Summary: | Kishk is a fermented milk product from the Middle East that is traditionally made from a
mixture of yogurt, wheat flour and salt with sun drying. This study aimed to determine the
quality of kishk made from a mixture of yogurt and sago flour with the addition of 6% sugar
(sucrose) during storage at room temperature. Yogurt made from pasteurized milk using
starter Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, with the addition of 0 and
6% sugar and fermented at a temperature of 42о
C for 6 hours. Kishk dough made by adding
one part sago flour that has been roasted and 4 parts of yogurt. The mix was fermented for
24 hours at a temperature of 37о
C, moulded in sphere-shaped flat and dried in an oven at a
temperature of 50° C for 48 hours. Each treatment stored for 0; 21 and 42 days at room
temperature with three replications. Quality evaluation of kishk includes microbiological
quality (total lactic acid bacteria) and chemical quality (lactose content, acidity, pH, moisture
content). The data were statistically analyzed by two way ANOVA. The results showed that
the addition of sugar as much as 6% have no effect on the kishk quality during storage, with
an average total lactic acid bacteria was 6.32 log CFU / g, 2.59% of lactose, 2.30% acidity,
pH value was 3.69 and 10.39% of moisture content. In conclusion, kishk made from sago
flour mixed with yogurt and sugar addition of 6% can be stored at room temperature for 42
days without decreasing in quality.
Key words: Kishk Quality, Sugar, Sago Flour.