Summary: | The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between demographic
and psychographic characteristics of Parabela and leadership role in preserving
Kaomboforest. The study used a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods
(mixed method) by using survey approach (quantitative method) and an ethnographic
approach (qualitative method). The results of Spearman's rho value of Parabela’s
demographic characteristics such as age, occupation, land area, and number of
dependant family showed no significant relationship. Only the education variable of
parabela had a significant relationship with the leadership role in preserving
KaomboForests. The correlation coefficient of education and leadership role, when
referring to the interpretation guidelines, indicated that relationsip between the levels
of education with leadership role in preserving Kaombo forests are in a very strong
category. The psychographic relationship of Parabela and the leadership role suggested
that economic motives, time motives and devotion motives had no significant
relationship. There was a significant relationship between motif status and leadership
role. The correlation coefficient of the relationship between motive status and
leadership role, when referring to the guidelines for the interpretation of
correlation,suggested that the motive of status and the leadership role in preserving the
Kaombo forest is in a strong category. The result value of Spearman's rho of the
relationship between demographic and psychographic characteristics of parabela with
leadership role in conserving kaombo forests were in line with the real conditions, it is
appeared as the parabela was formerly known as someone who is proactive in carrying
out important roles as the sole ruler in Kadie prior to the present of any formal
government. Parabela were now born as tge passive figure of traditional leaders and
only present at situation when people are not able to ask for help from the village
administration. Parabela still got the mandated role in society and also keep doing it, but
the judgement from the society about the role were more because the society asked the
parabela to carry out the role they have in preserving the Kaombo forest.