Summary: | The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of soy protein hydrolysate on peroxide value and sensory properties of beef stored at refrigerator temperature. Materials used in this study were Ongole grade beef of loin, soy protein extract, and pancreatic extract of goat. There were two treatments in this study, namely soy protein hydrolysate level, consisting of 0, 50, and 100%, and duration of storage time at the refrigerator temperature, consisting of 0, 3, 6, and 9 days. Variables observed included peroxide value and sensory properties of beef, consisting of color, texture, flavor, juiciness, tenderness, and acceptability. Peroxide value and sensory characteristics were tested by analysis of variance of 3x4 factorials with 3 replications. The mean differences were tested by Duncan’s New Multiple Range Tests. The results of this study showed that level of soy protein hydrolysate did not influence the peroxide value and the sensory properties of beef. Duration of storage time of beef with soy protein hydrolysate increased the peroxide value, and the color, texture, flavor, juiciness, tenderness, and the acceptability scores of beef. There were interactions between level of soy protein hydrolysate and duration of storage time on the peroxide value and texture score of beef.
Key Words: Beef, Soy protein hydrolysate, Refrigerator storage, Peroxide value, Sensory properties of beef