Summary: | Manpower issues particularly unemployment w1 create various consequences with -1 economic, safety, politic dmensions to a state. As an economic and social singggel factor, but it is not only resulted by a factor, such as skill/quality of manpower, job opportunity, social culture, information and so on, viewing likelyb consecuences and the complexity of their causal factors, the unemployment still will be a crucial issue and its tackling will be no simple then. Legally and formally, government commitment on manpower issues is reflected in the preamble of 1945 Constitution, the paragraph IV, article 27 verse (2) of the 1945 Constitution, then is continued by issuing the 1969 Law No. 14, and by various regulation implementation. Institutionally, from central to reponal level manfower Departement, Regional Offices and have been developed. But, on another side, based on statistical data it is indicated that employment figures are frowing to swell, and manpower issues are always actual. The study attempted to reveal empirical facts conserning the organizational effectvity of the Regronal Office of Manpower Departement in the Province of the Special District of Yogyakarta in implementing development efforts of manpowe, especially, implementation on Manpower Distribution and Making efficient use program, ManpEower skill Training and Upgradingg Program, as the part of Articles 5 of 1969 Law No. 14 implementation. As framework, the author determined four effect variables on the effectivity of the organization, namely external environmental effect variable including public support, and partner organizational. Internal environmental effect variables including technology support, motivation, and employee capacity. Based on data collected through interview, observation and documenter data and after analyzed, it was concluded that the implementation of Manpower Distribution and Malung eficient use Program, Manpower skill Training and Upgrading Program had not been effectively realized yet. Whereas the influencing factor the effectivity fully laid on the external environmental factor. In order to solve inhibiting factor, the author proposed several solutions; 1) providing integrated guidance for public and work seekerhunter to socialize Regional Office missions to unie perception, 2) provide similar perception with all related institutions, both governmental and private ines, associated with responsibility in the manpower issues, 3) providmg wider authority to Regional OEce in conducting coordination wt external institution. 4) providing consistency in the implementation of law saction. 5) ih improving internal coordination, 6) reducing the intervention the intervention of central institution concerning with the authority delegated to the Regional Office, 7) increasing training instruments in training institutions (BLWKLK), 8) improving cornpentation package to reduce employ unsatisfaction.