Summary: | In Indonesia the role of an aid and grant allocatjon are indispensable. This is reflected by the contribution number of the aid and grant allocation forward the total expenditures o f region. The amount of a central government subsidy is not the same to every region. There are two kinds of a central government subsidy toward a local government, that are: the first, a routine expenditures subsidy called grants, and the second subsidy o f development known as president instruction (Inpres). This development subsidy consists o f block grants and specific grants. The goals of developmental aid program at regional Level (Dati 1 1) which is well-known as Dati 1 1 (Regional) president instruction. That are: (1) to achieve equal distribution of wealth and to synchronize the acceleration of development of all regions, ( 2 ) increasing resident's welfare, ( 3 ) delegation of authority to local government s o they can organize and manage their own planning, actuating and control functions, ( 4 ) to develop personil's skill o f region in conducting daily activities. In its implementation, the succes of developmental aid program at regional level (dati I I), seen from its impacts, is different to each regions. The research taken in this study is Kabupaten Dati TI Rembang. While the approach used f or analysis is a descriptive evaluation with objectives based approach to evaluate the impacts o f developmental aid program at dati 1 1 . Based on the results of the impact evaluation with giving attention to the empirical findings toward ( 1) equal of the result fisical development supported by developmental aid fund at dati 1 1, ( 2 ) the creation job's opportunity, ( 3 ) rasio o f project proporsal with result, ( 4 ) the number o f educated and trained Bappeda's s t a f f , ( 5 ) increasing of PDRB per capita, the creation job's opportunity, and increasing of basic needs availability, s o , i t can be summarized that the impact of developmental aid program at dati 11 o r the president instruction is not optimal yet. Bottom-up commitment is not completly realized, this is indicated by the dominance of a central government intervention. Incresing the achievement of the goal indicated by the impacts of developmental aid program at dati 1 1, the central government should give discretion to the local governments for arranging their priority of developmental projects: it is necessary to have a controlling mechanism toward the local workforce; The assistance should be prioritized on certain local areas with a very slow economic development, a low regional income. So that the disparity among regions are decreasing and achieving the equal growth; the culture of formalism in the planning and the implementation o f deveLopmental aid program at dati 1 1 must be eliminated. t ?