Summary: | Four forestry plantations in Wanagama I Forest Research Center, Yogyakarta were studied (T. grandis, A. holosericea, A. mangium, and S. macrophylla). Pot culture and direct collecting methods were apllied to study spore characteristics to detectthe occurence of VAM. There were 16 different spore types described, including the common found genus, Glomus, some examples of Sclerocystis, Scutellispora and possibly Acaulospo ra. There were two types could not be categorized into any genus.Four forestry plantations in Wanagama I Forest Research Center, Yogyakarta were studied (T. grandis, A. holosericea, A. mangium, and S. macrophylla). Pot culture and direct collecting methods were apllied to study spore characteristics to detectthe occurence of VAM. There were 16 different spore types described, including the common found genus, Glomus, some examples of Sclerocystis, Scutellispora and possibly Acaulospo ra. There were two types could not be categorized into any genus.
Key -words: vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza