Summary: | Post harvest handling of grain on the optimum moisture content could maintain the top quality and increase the added value of grain. One of the important thing to support this case was that there available precision and accurate moisture content meter. There were two moisture content meters that available and easy used in every time and place. Those types were capacitance and resistance type. The advantages of capacitance type of moisture content meter were the tester not destructive, more accurate, and wider used. The reasons led that the research of "design and development of capacitance type of grain moisture content meter" was conducted.
The methods of this research were scheduled in four stages as design and development, testing of each unit, calibration, and test performance of the meter. The performance test were done on three kinds of grains: paddy, corn, and soybean, with three varieties each.
The results of this design were that meter consist of voltage source, voltage regulator, oscillator innovation, primary sensing element innovation of capacitance (moisture content) and voltmeter. The results of the laboratory testing were the output voltage of regulator was ± 11.8 volt DC, the output wave of the oscillator was sine wave of 2.1 volt with frequency 10±0,05 MHz, the primary sensing element innovation of the capacitance (moisture content) could provide high sensitivity and also could become a filter, disappeared of noise, voltage amplifier, the wider of full scale deflection.
The calibration of the meter showed that there were logarithmic function relationships between output voltage of the meter (volt) and the grain moisture content (% wet basis). Besides that the effect of the grains temperature increased the output with increasing exponential relationship.
The performance testing showed that there was positive relationship between gravimetric moisture content measurement and that indicated moisture content of the designed prototype. Determination coefficient of this function was above 0,9900 for 211 of tested grains. Lnprecission and inaccuracy of the meter was low.
Keywords: capacitance �grain �moisture content meter.