Summary: | Abstract
Fire wood was an important traditional energy (50-80%) for the most development countries, especially for rural society to cook, to warm their body or rural industry. Imbalance between fire wood production and consumption caused the increase of fire wood's price and environment damage (land erotion, the decrease of land prosperity, the decrease of land productivity, silting up of water reservoir, flood in rainy season, and drought in dry season).
The general symptom of this environment damage had been occurred in Kulonprogo regency, Yogyakarta (along with population growth and rural industry growth). So, it was needed a research about tine number of production and consumption of fire wood for rural industry and the influence variables.
The reason of choosing Kulonprogo regency as the area were: (1) It's a rural industry centre with high consumption of fire wood. (2) It's a state forest and people forest area with high population density.
This research was aimed: (1) To know the fire wood production in Kulonprogo regency which covers origin, quality, quantity and the method of production. (2) To measure the fire wood consumption from any kind and scale of rural industry.
The research methods were: (1) The primary data of fire wood production was taken from 90 respondents (who were from near forest area and distant forest area). (2) The primary data of fire wood consumption was taken from 90 respondents (cover small industry and home industry entrepreneur).
The data analysis method was: linear regression analysis towards the data of production and consumption of fire wood and the influence variables.
The results of research were: (1) The average of fire wood production in Kulonprogo regency from people forest (2,94 mV farmer/ year) and from dry fields (0,98 m3/farmer/year). The kind of plant which fire wood from the people forest was relatively more homogen than thosefrom dry field. The method of plant effort to produce fire wood in people forest was done by villagers with share system with village government, but the method of plan effort to produce fire wood in the fields was done by villagers who had enough land. (2) The average of fire wood consumption for rural industry (food industry and non food industry) in Kulonprogo regency was 2,67 m/industry unit/year, where fire wood consuption by small scale industry is bigger than home industry. (3) In the next five years the fire wood production and consumption in Kulonprogo regency is still balance. (4) The significant influence variables to the fire wood production in Kulonprogo regency are the area, the frequence of cut fire wood per year, dummy variables were:kind of fast growing wood which has produced, kind of slow growing wood which had produced and origin of fire wood from people forest. (5) The significant influence variables to the fire wood consumption for rural industry in Kulonprogo regency were the price of fire wood, the price of petrolium, the capacity of rural industry , dummy variables were: the small scale rural industry and the location of rural industry in the people forest.
Keyword : fire wood - roduction - consumption