Summary: | IKONOS is the new image in remote sensing. This research uses IKONOS CarterraTM Reference, mono and true colour as a primary data for land evaluation of urban settlement in Denpasar, Province of Bali and Geographic Information System (GIS) software for maintenance of digital data. The purpose of this research are (1) to evaluate geometric correction, metric acurracy, and (2) to evaluate capability of image as a primary data for land evaluation, and (3) to evaluate and analyse of thematic maps for settlement land evaluation.
The method of this research are image interpretation by visual interpretation, area sampling, scoring for each variable of land parameters and overlay of thematic maps.
The conclusion of this research are (1) IKONOS image PS Reference, mono and true colour can be used for getting land use with good (almost 95%) accuracy interpretation almost 95 % and have good accuracy for medium map scale, (2) This image rather difficult for getting land physical parameters such as landform, soil, slope, groundwater, because of the density building in the location (3) the analysis results showed that based on land parameters for settlement land evaluation, Denpasar has good criteria for urban settlement (17,23 % of total landuse).
Keywords: IKONOS, geometric correction, settlement land evaluation