Summary: | The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of feeding high-level crude fiber milk replacer on the performance of Friesian Holstein (FH) calves. Fifteen 5-to-18 days old FH-female calves were used in the experiment and assigned randomly into three treatment groups namely group which fed whole milk (P-l), 50% whole milk to 50% milk replacer (P-2) and 100% milk replacer (P-3) respectively. Nutrient intake (DM, OM, CP, CF, EE and TDN), blood metabolite (Plasma Total Protein (TPP) and plasma blood urea) and Average Daily Gain (ADG) were observed and statistically analyzed using variance analysis of one way Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and followed by contrast orthogonal test to determine the effect among three groups. The results showed that the calves of P-3 and P-2 group consumed higher DM and OM than P-l (1,357 vs 1,639 kg/head/day