Summary: | The complete solution of the Schre clinger equation of the nonsymmetrical harmonic oscillators with a potential energy V(x) = m4)± (I x I -a±)2 was carried out numerically. The complete solution lead to eigenvalues states (low level and high level) obtained numerically. These solution involved the computatioN of various special functions such as gamma, confluent hypergeometric and parabolic cylinder functions as well as finding zeros of trancendental functions. All computation was carried out using algorithms which had been prepared and tested to be sufficiently accurate and efficient
The energy intervals of the nonsymmetrical harmonic oscillator levels were found varying for Lk) # W (except with one of 4.1 is es ) and the variation appeared more clearly when a' # 0. Especially for low energy levels, numerical degeneracy was observed started at a' = 6. The quantum number ), characterizing the eigenstate, had a spectrum of values greater than - gland it was not necessarily integers. For special cases, the numerical solutions were found to agree with the exact or some other- approximate solution using different methods. Results of computation are presented graphically as well as numerically in order to give a more visible information.
Keywords: eigenfunctions eigenvalues -- energy levels -- Schr:fidinger equation