Summary: | Mechanical and physical properties of juvenile and fullgrown Sungkai (Peronema canescens Jack) were studied according to the established standards.
The results of the study showed that there were differences in the physical properties of both type of wood. i.e. in terms of green moisture content and specific gravity. In this respect juvenile wood had a moisture content of 41.28% while adult wood had a moisture content of 41,04%. Whereas average specific gravity was 0.455 and 0.463 for juvenile and adult wnntl, respectively.
Concerning the mechanical properties there was a significant difference in modulus of rupture between juvenile and adult wood, i.e. 787.87 kg/cm and 910.73 kg/cm2' respectively.
Radial and tangential srinkage of juvenile wood from green to ovendry was found to be 4.26% and 5.99%, respectively. Radial and tangential srinkage of adult wood from green to overwlry, on the other hand, was 4.00% and 6.00%, respectively. maximum crushing strength turned out to be 396.50 kg/cm2 for juvenile and 414,80 kg/cm2 for adult wood. Statistical analysis on radial and tangential srinkage and on maximum crushing strength of juvenile and adult wood did not show any significant difference.
Results of physical and mechanical properties of sungkai showed that it could be classified as strength class II and III.
Key words: growth periods -- juvenile and adult wood -- physical and mechanical properties.