Summary: | The rapid progress of computer should be responded appropriately in such a way that its advantage can be used to overcome constraints and shortages of the previous instruments. Therefore, the use of new high-performance computer as a Multi Channel Analyzer (MCA) is a state-of-the-art action and hence should be performed.
An interface has been designed and made to integrate ADC 581 and personal computer (PC). The whole instruments (ADC 581, interface, and PC) act as an MCA. The interface is capable to transfer 16 bit data simultaneously and is equipped with real- and live-timer. The address decoder and IRQ line were designed to be more flexible that in turn widen the range of its application.
Tests were performed on the interface using pulse generator source as well as radioactive source. The result shows that the interface capable to acquire data satisfactorily with dead time less than that of the MCA ORTEC 7450. The Integral Non Linearity (INL) and Differential Non Linearity (DNL) tests gave results below 2%. The errors of energy peaks determination were between 2 tb 3 channels at 4k channels of MCA. The results proved that the interface work well and is able to compete with ADC Canberra 581.
Keywords:MCA, energy spectroscopy, interfacting, nuclear spectroscopy detection instrument
Keywords : MCA, energy spectroscopy, interfacing, nuclear spectroscopy, detection instrument