Summary: | The feasibility evaluation of the dam development often meets a complex situation due to the difficulty in determining the benefit. At one side, sufficient number of water availability may have a very considerable strength that the dam is sufficiently reasonable to be developed. At the other side, increasing the reservoir volume might require additional consideration on either technical or non-technical condition. Obviously, the current situation has made the tendency of requiring more consideration on any attempt of the water resources development such as dam development.
This paper evaluates the hydro-economy feasibility of the Limo Dam development. Firstly, the water availability is evaluated through the hydrology approach, routing of two types inflow, i.e., high flow and low flow are carried out by the utilization of Muskingum method. Three types of outflow are introduced throughout the routing, i.e., outflow through the spillway crest, outlet system, and direct pumping. Secondly, the economic evaluation is carried out by initially studying the bill of quantity and the unit cost, followed by estimating the cost of dam construction. The total cost of dam construction includes what so called environment cost, i.e. all costs related to land acquisition and resettlement of people from the inundation area. Finally, the economic evaluation is carried out by analyzing the possible benefit that might be withdrawn from the presence of the Limo Dam, and the feasibility parameters are then presented.
The results show that the estimate total cost of Limo Dam construction is about Rp. 45,061,476,498.00, this includes the land acquisition and people resettlement. The presence of Limo Dam is anticipated to control flood of Jakarta (with 3-10% damping retention), to produce 2.96 MCM water for DMI purposes of Depok District, and to produce 7.78 MCM water for town flushing of some places downstream of Limo Dam. Assuming the US. currency is remain stable at Rp. 9,000.00 along 30 years, the Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) is 1.15, the Net Present Value (NPV) is Rp. 7,460,162,552.00, at beginning 2003, and the Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) of 13.63%.
Keywords: Hydraulics, economy, feasibility, Limo Dam.