Summary: | ABSTRACT
Indonesia has ratified Convention Number 87 Concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize, and Convention Number 98 Concerning the Principles of the Right to Organize and to Bargain Collectively. The aim of this research is to have an answer for the following question. Has the freedom of labour in the Province of Central Java to associate with trade unions complied with the,convention? This research consists of documentary study and field study. The documentary study overviewed the Conventions and certain Acts to obtain das sollen data. The field study was intended to collect das sein data. It carried out an interview to the stakeholders of the industrial relations. Those two types of study were supported by library study. It gives further explanation about the das sollen, das sein, and the relation between both of them. The conclusion of this research was drawn from deductive and deductive reasoning. The labours in Central Java, in general, were free to establish or join the trade unions. However in grassroots level the freedom was dcult to implement. The Disnakertrans officers have not yet understood the Convention and Act Number 21/2000 on Trade Unions completely. Whereas in implementing act number 22/1999 on Local Government, re-posting and re-organization of civil servant in disnakertrans was not professional. It deviated from the principle of the right man in the right place. The promotion of the civil servants based on their ranks, not on their skills. The officers were misunderstood and confused when implementing the Conventions, the Act on Trade Unions, and the Act on Local Government all at once. This condition caused biased relationship between employers, labours, and Disnakertrans officer. The Labours were in the very unfortunate position. In some cases they found out some dculties when organizing themselves. The shortage came from their employers or the Disnakertrans officers or both of them