Summary: | The sutchi catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus is an important species for aquaculture in Southeast Asia. However, larvae typically have low survival rates due to their predilection for cannibalism during rearing. This study investigated larval feeding behavior and rearing conditions. The former experiments were performed to elucidate the role of sensory organs in feeding, and the latter experiments examined the effect of dim light on larval rearing and survival rates. Neither lighting conditions (light and dark) nor blocking of free neuromasts by streptomycin had significant effects on feeding behavior. Therefore, the feeding behavior of sutchi catfish larvae most likely depends on chemosensing rather than visual sensing. In the later experiments, larval rearing at 0.1 l× yielded significantly higher survival rates than other lighting conditions (0.00, 1, 10, 100 l×). Survival in the 0.1 l× group was almost three times higher than in the 100 l× group. Moreover, larvae reared under 0.1 l× showed steady growth. Therefore, it is concluded that 0.1 l× is the optimum light intensity for sutchi catfish larval rearing.