Summary: | ABSTRAK
Kotabaru area is one of the locations in Yogyakarta that is very interesting to be researched On nuisance problem. This is because the area is well known as a school building area that consists of many school building facilities where they need a lower standard of nuisance compared to other areas. TherePre, the intention of this study is to illustrate about the nuisance in Kotabaru area and to build a model for it.
A sun'ey was conducted on Jl. Suroto, Kotabaru area. It was- considered that P. Surow was the bussiest street in Kotabaru area especially during the peak due to school travelling.
In the research area, it was found that the average noise /ere/ was 87,41 dB(A) and maximum noise level was 95,5 dg(A), This condition was higher than the noise level standard for the area which is only 55 dB(A) according to Manual Noise Level Standard for Yogyakarta Special Region . Moreover, an exponential model was found to be a good agreement for the study area.
Keywords: kebisingan lalulintas