Summary: | ABSTRACT
The perpose of this work is to improve the fatigue life of al 2024-T3 by combining shot peening and stretching treatments.The raw material was stretched to 1% above the yield stress and subsequently shot peened with intensity of 0.07A.The fatigue crack growth rate test was conducted under Shimadzu universal testing machine with stress ratio(R) of 0.1 and frequenscy 10 Hz.Hardness, tensile strength and surface roughness test wrw also measured.The Experimental result shows that shot peening on al 2024-T3 can increase fatigue life up to 56% compared to the raw material.Streching 1% before shot peeningo0n this material can improve fatigue strengthup to 80%.Shot peening can also increase the layer hardness up to depth 600um.however, the surface rouhness increase from 0.17 u for the raw material to 4.58u for the peened material.Kata Kunci:fatigue life, aluminum alloy, shot peening, stretching