Summary: | ABSTRAK
This research tried an application of root locus method for the PI controller optimization for controlling the speed of loaded dc motor.
As a speed sensor was a rotary encoder which connected to the DT51. The SPC dc motor was connected to the DT51 to give PWM signal to the dc motor. We used an AT89S52 as a PI controller. The first step was trying to get an open loop dc motor characteristic. The transfer function of the dc motor was then obtained empirically. After that, we set the performance specifications of PI controller system to get the root loci. Then we got the PI constants for controlling the speed of loaded dc motor. The experiment was held with the setpoints of : 300, 600, 1,080, and 1,200 rpms, and also the maneuvered setpoints of 840 to 1,200 rpms then back to 840 rpms. The results were compared to the PID controller which optimized using ultimate cycle method.
The experiment results shows that PI controller which optimized by root locus method has the time response a bit faster than that of being optimized by ultimate cycle method But for a small setpoint it has a bit oscillation.
Keywords : controller, root locus, microcontroller, dc motor.