Summary: | ABSTRAK
The purpose of this research is to observe the effect of remelting on the plane strain fracture toughness of aluminUM alloys.
Material used in this research was the selected aluminum scraps. The material was melt and cast at the temperature of 745°C in the metal molding. The as cast product was then machined into a Compact Tension Specimen (CTS) according to ASTM E-399. The remelting process was done three times at the same condition. To yield a plane strain condition, the specimen thickness was !nude in jive variations, namely 15mm, 17,5mnz, 20mm, 22,5mm and 25mm.
The experimental result shows that the remelting process can reasonably decrease the plane strain fracture toughness of the aluminum product, in which the value of the fracture toughness was 3,9549 MPa.m°- 3,5749 MPa.m(', and 3,5488 MPa.m" for the first, second, and third remelting process respectively.
Key words : remelting, fracture toughness, aluminum alloy.