Тойм: | Establishment of exotic fast-growing tree plantation is one of ways ofrehabilitating unproductive forest lands, which is usually covered by bushes, weeds or alang-alang grass (imperaia Cylindrica). The study was aimed at quantifying biomass of the undergrowth vegetation and its relation with the rates of growth of the exotic fast-growing trees.
Measurement of light intensities and growth rates of planted Acacia mangium, Paraverianihesfakataria. and Gmelina arborea were carried out at 29 and 4 I months after planting. Plots of 1 m x Im in size 3 plots per block, were established to measure the undergrowth biomass, in each of the tree plantations. Biomass were identified and weighed for their fresh as well as dry weight biomass.
Results show that 41 months after planting, the undergrowth biomass below the canopy of A.