Summary: | ABSTRAk
Study on leaf area determination of taro (C. esculenta (L.) Schott) variety bentul was conducted during the rainy season 1985/1986.
In this study, some determinant factors of leaf area were measured i.e. : maximum leaf width (x, ), maximum leaf length (x,), the leaf length from lobus to tip (x,), the leaf length from mid region to tip (x.,), and the leaf length from mid region to both basal tips (x, and x.). The leaves area were directly measured using, arearneter type LI-COR LI-3100. The regression of the direct measurement of the leaves as [he dependent variable with determinant factors as the independent variable were computed. Multiple Power Regression Analysis showed that there were a high assosialion between some of the determinant factors and the direct measurement of leaves area expect maximum leaf length. The regression equation were y, = 0,5 x214 and y, = 1,18 x2�8. These equation can be used to determine the leaf area of taro plants especially bentul variety (taro form Malang) in the field rapidly without destruction.
key words: daun talas, karakter daun