Summary: | Background: Up to this date, stroke is a serious health problem all over the world, with a high morbidity and mortality rate. A significant increase of blood viscosity in ischemic stroke patients is condidered as a sign of hemoreology. Several factors may effect the prognosis of infarct stroke could be used as a prognostic tool to forecast the clinical course of a stroke patient. High hematocryte levels lead to an increase in blood viscosity, which in turn decreases of blood reaching the brain. No research in Yogyakarta has studied the role of hematocryte in acute ischemic stroke prognostic value. Goal of the research. To understand the role of hematocryte as a factor influencing acute ischemic stroke prognostic value. Benefits of the research. If proven to affect stroke prognostic value, efforts should be considered to save patients from physical and psychological damage, as well as death. Research design. This research uses an observational prospective (cohort) study design, by comparing two types of subject groups with differential variables. Hematocryte check are done at the hospital time of entry and neurological deficit check are done using the Gadjah Mada Stroke Scale on day 1 and 7. Research subject. Research subjects are patients diagnosed with acute infarct stroke from the Emergency Room based on anamnesis and clinical checks using the Gadjah Mada Stroke Algorithm (ASGM), and or confirmed with a Head CT-Scan, followed by an in patient status in the neurological ward. Samples consist of 39 subjects in Group 1 and 31 in Group 2. Conclusion. Hematocryte levels has no prognostic value on the, clinical performance of acute infarct stroke. Therapeutic actions to lower hematocryte levels needs to be further studied.
Key words: Stroke, infarct , Hematocryte , Prognostic, blood viscosity