Summary: | An experiment to study the effect of plant density and foliar fertilizer on the growth of Dendrobium hybride seedling was done at Sekip, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Some bottle cultured Dendrobium orchid cultivar Dendrobium 'Spellbound' x D. phalaenopsis alba was transplanted into 9 cm diameter pots filled with charcoal and Alsophylla fibers. The planting densities per pot was 10, 20 and 30 and foliar fertilization was treated with concentrations 0,00 m1/1, 0,25 m1/1 and 0,50 m1/1.
The pots were arranged in Factorial Completely Randomized Design with 2 factors : foliar fertilizer and plant density.
Data collected include : the length (height) of seedlings, the width and length of foliage leaves, number of foliage leaves, number of shoots, diameter of pseudo-bulbs, fresh weight of seedling within seven month period after transplanting.
It was observed that plant density of 30 plants per pot and 0,5 m1/I foliar fertilizer had the best result.
Percobaan umuk meneliti pengaruh kerapatan tanam bibit anggrek hibrida Dendrobium yang di tanam dalam suatu pot (community pot) dan kadar pupuk daun terhadap pertumbuhan telah dilakukan di Sekip, Sleman, Yogyakarta.
Suatu Kultivar Dendrobium "Spellbound' x D. phalaenopsis alba dari botol penyemai telah dipindah tanamkan ke pot dengan diameter 9 cm yang di isi dengan arang kayu dengan cincangan akar pakis Alsophylla.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap faktorial dengan 2 faktor yaitu pupuk daun dan kerapatan tanam. Pupuk daun terdiri atas tiga macam kadar yaitu 0,5 m1/1, 0,25 m1/1 dan 0,00 m1/1. Sedangkan kerapatan tanam terdiri atas tiga aras yaitu 30, 20 dan 10 tanaman tiap pot. Dari kedua faktor tersebut didapatkan 9 kombinasi perlakuan, masing-masing perlakuan terdiri atas 4 ulangan.