Analisis Kecukupan Biaya Obat Pelayanan Kesehatan Dasar Sebelum dan Sesudah Desentralisasi di Kabupaten Muna Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara: Analysis Adequacy Cost of Drugs on Primary Health Care after and before Implementat

Implementation of decentralized drug policy brings an impact in the form of finance mechanism changes. Before decentralization, drug budget was calculated by the amount of resident and indigent resident percentage. After decentralization, the budget is specified by each regional government according...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib
Format: Article
Published: [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada 2005
Summary:Implementation of decentralized drug policy brings an impact in the form of finance mechanism changes. Before decentralization, drug budget was calculated by the amount of resident and indigent resident percentage. After decentralization, the budget is specified by each regional government according to needs and existing health problems. This change leads to problems of allocation and distribution especially in some areas where Original Earnings of Area (PAD) is relatively small. The allocation is strongly influenced by the amount of Common Allocation Fund (DAU) and the drug manager ability in the area to manage the fund of drugs as efficient and effective as possible to assure the availability and sustainability of health service. The aim of the study was to calculate the adequacy rate of drug cost before and after decentralization and to determine the influence of decentralization itself toward the adequacy of drug cost in the area. A case study was conducted using quantitative data and the result was analyzed with regard to drug cost adequacy. The study began with calculating indicator of drug management and drug cost requirement on the therapy of top 10 diseases using morbidity method during 1999-2002. The result was analyzed with ABC analysis and compared to realization of drug cost on the same periode and interpreted to assess the drug cost adequacy before and after decentralization. The result showed that the average of ability on the drugs cost procurement based on comsumtion method to fullfill drug cost requirement based on morbidity method before decentralization was 31,33%, after decentralization increased to 78,51%. And then the average of ability on the drugs cost based on comsumtion method to fullfill drug cost requirement based on morbidity method before decentralization was 15,14%, after decentralization increased to 60,67%. Nevertheless, the increase of fund adequacy and drug cost rate was not significant (p>0,05) between before and after decentralization. It was concluded that although the adequacy rate of drugs cost and fund has increased significantly after decentralization, it was not able to fulfill the requirement up to 100%. In other words, decentralization has not influenced the cost adequacy rate of primary health care drugs in the area. Keywords: availability �adequacy �decentralization �cost of drugs.