Uji daya gabung galur S6 tanaman jagung dengan persilangan dialel parsial: evaluation of combining ability of maize s6 lines using partial diallel.

The study aimed to evaluate the combining ability of 25 maize inbred lines and their heterotic effect in their hybrids. The lines were crossed to produce 100 Fr hybrids using partial diallel mating design. The 100 F1 hybrids and 25 inbred lines were planted in a cubic lattice design with 3 replicati...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib
Format: Article
Published: [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada 2001
Summary:The study aimed to evaluate the combining ability of 25 maize inbred lines and their heterotic effect in their hybrids. The lines were crossed to produce 100 Fr hybrids using partial diallel mating design. The 100 F1 hybrids and 25 inbred lines were planted in a cubic lattice design with 3 replications. Measurements were taken on plant height, ear height, days to silkily, ear length, ear diameter, 100 kernels weight and grain yield. Significant GCA and SCA effect were found for all characters under consideration. Estimate of dominance variance was greater than that of additive for all characters, except for ear height. Ear diameter and grain yield have negatife additive genetic variance. The hybrids tend to flower earlier and were generally taller, bigger kernel and ear size and higher grain yield Crosses between inbred lines from different base population gave higher levels of heterosis than inbreds of similar populations. Crosses between good combiners may not always produce F, with high heterosis. The potential hybrid was not determined only by parental general combining ability, but also by base population from which the inbred parents were extracted. Keywords: inbred line, combining ability, partial diallel Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi daya gabung 25 galur inbrida clan efek heterosisnya pada kombinasi hibridanya. Galur-galur disilangkan untuk mendapatican 100 hibrida F1 dengan rancangan persilangan dialel parsial. Seratus hibrida F1 dan 25 galur inbrida ditanam menggunakan rancangan lattice dengan tiga ulangan. Efek GCA (daya gabung mum) dan SCA (daya gabung khusus) nyata pada sernua sifat yang diatnati. Varians dominan nyata iebih besar daripada varians aditif untuk semua karakter, kecuaii tinggi tongkol. Diameter tongkol dan hasil biji rnempunyai varians aditif negatif. Hibrida-hibrida yang diperoleh cenderung berbunga iebih cepat dan lebih tinggi, biji dan tongkol lebih besar serta hash lebih tinggi. Persilangan antargalur dari populasi dasar yang berbeda menghasilkan heterosis yang lebih besar daripada inbrida clari populasi yang sama. Persilangan yang balk tidak selalu menghasilkan F1 dengan heterosis tinggi. Hibrida yang potensial ridak hanya ditentukan oleh daya gabung tetua tetapi juga oleh populasi dasar asal inbrida. Kata kunci: galur inbrida,daya gabung, dialel parsial