Summary: | Skim latex is the byproduct of natural rubber processing. It
is treated as effluent and lavishly left in acid pond treatment
which creates a lot of environmental problems. The
serum extracted from skim latex was found to contain patatin-like protein which is homologous to patatin storage
proteins in potato and tomato. Patatin belongs to a group
of plant storage glycoproteins that show lipid acyl hydrolase
activity which may be a means of defense against plant
parasites. A definite method to purify patatin-like protein
from rubber waste with minimal loss of target protein is
therefore desirable. Three different methods of column
chromatography were employed in the purification process
to obtain the purified target protein. The success of this
protein purification technique was assayed by Sodium dodecyl
sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, lipid acyl
hydrolase activity analysis and Bradford determination of
protein concentration to quantify the protein yield.
Through this method, the patatin-like protein from rubber
waste was successfully purified. By utilizing this skim latex,
most ofthe environmental problems associated with rubber
industry could be ruled out and at the same time may turn
it into a value-added product. Purification step is crucial in
order to minimize time, energy, and cost.