Summary: | The aims of this experiment were to study the effect of slope gradient on soil loss or erosion and the relationship between slope gradients and the changes of soil physical and chemical characteristics.
Results of the research showed that the ratio of the permissible erosion to the potential erosion (At/Ap) or Errosion Index Value WE) is >. 1, this index was found at the slope gradient (s) of 4.4 perrent. Whereas the maximum permissible erosion limit (At) unclestructive to soil is .12.5 ton/hg/year (0.08 mm/year). This figure is the same as the potential erosion (Ap) according to Ap = RKLS found at the slope gradient (s) of 4 percent. The maximum slope gradient of the land permissible to land clearence with out soil conservation efforts was less than 4percent The slope gradient (s), the slope length (7), and interaction of the slope gradient and slope length have significant to highly significant influence on the changes of some soil physical and chemical charateristics affected by erosion. There are significant to highly significant correlations between the slope gradient with the reduction of the soil physical and chemical characteristics. Rain-fall intensity showed a very significant correlation with the soil loss.
Strategic factors of the soil physical and chemical characteristics that influence the soil loss or erosion we slope gradient, slope-length, run-off, sand contain, the reduction of the clay content, silt content, particle density, soil permeability, agregate stability, calcium content, iron content and alluminium content.
Keywords: slope gradient limit - erosion - erosion index value (ETV)