Summary: | This book consists of two main parts main goal of the first part is to collect
and develop new attitude algorithms that build up the different scenarios
acted by a spacecraft starting from the orbit injection phase.
The spacecraft dynamics and control oriented to the development of a simulator that
simulates different attitude dynamics representations of spacecraft and the space
environment in a form of disturbance torques mainly aerodynamic, gravity gradient,
magnetic and solar pressure torques.
It is found that the attitude scenarios can be classified mainly into two categories the
first is the angular momentum management of a spacecraft and the second is the
attitude maneuvers.
The first category can be divided into two modes which are the detumbling mode and
the momentum unloading mode. In both modes the active magnetic control
algorithms have been introduced and developed. In detumbling mode the well known
minus bdot control law has been modified based upon damping the angular velocity
component normal to the magnetic field direction. The application results of this
modified control law have shown valuable enhancement in the detumbling efficiency.
In addition, the impact of the angular momentum management of the
momentum/reaction wheels has been also investigated.
New techniques for estimating the angular velocity without rate sensors using only
vector or quaternion measurement developed via Kalman filtering have been
introduced and discussed.
In the second category, the attitude maneuver, different techniques have been
introduced starting from the classical ones such as PD controller using Euler angles,
direction cosine matrix, or quaternion feed back and ended by a new approach named
non-linear predictive control that developed to predict the required control action to
track a certain trajectory under rate and torque constraints.
Thus a new technique has be developed to solve the problem of the second category
using neuro-fuzzy control to predict control torque using modelless-strategy, for
attitude and rate tracking subjected to torque constraints. The simulation results give
neuro-fuzzy control an edge over the new control approaches specially when
considering the hard constraint of modelless spacecraft.
The first part is concluded by introducing orbit dynamics and different methods for
orbit control.
The second part is dedicated for the spacecraft hardware. Different attitude sensors
and actuators in addition to a comprehensive representation of GPS theory and
utilizations, have been introduced.