Summary: | The genetic variation of P. merkusii was investigated using seven loci from three enzyme systems, namely Esterase (EST), Glutamate oxaloacetate transarninase (GOT), and Shikimate dehydrogenase (ShDH) as marker genes. Three P. merkusii plantation populations in Sumedang, Kebasen, and jember were chosen for this study.
Electrophoretic analysis of megagametophyte tissues in the three plantations revealed that overall genetic similarity was very high. The meanproportion of polymorphic loci was 85.7 percent, the mean number of alleles per locus was 2.286, and the mean expected heterozigosity was 0.259. Based on the inter-population genetic relationship among all plantations, Nei's genetic distances cluster analysis showed that all plantations have a low level and similar genetic base. However, in general it can be concluded that P. merkusii plantation population in Java has a moderate genetic variation.
Keywords:Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vriese -- enzyme system -polymorphic loci -- expected heterozigosity -- genetic distance -- cluster analysis.