Summary: | Clinically, demineralization of enamel around orthodontic attachment can occur 1 month after. Decalcification or white spot formation during orthodontic treatment has been a problem since the introduction of fixed appliances.Enamel decalcification results from an imbalance between the demineralization and remineralization of enamel. In orthodontics, it has been attributed to prolonged accumulation and retention of bacterial plaque on the enamel surface adjacent to the appliances. The purpose of this study was to know effect of fluoride-releasing elastomers on saliva Streptococcus mutans numbers during fixed orthodontic appliance treatment. The pattern of fluoride release was characterized by initial burst of fluoride-release during the first 24 hours (29,96 ± 0,86 pgF/m1) representing 35% of total fluoride released over the 6-month evaluation period, this was followed by continued release in ever diminishing quantities. Continuing availability of low doses of fluoride that are released during the third to fourth weeks in vivo are potentially important because the fluoride is released exactly where it is needed, around the bracket bases that may assist in the prevention of decalcification through the formation of fluorapatite. Inhibition of demineralization of enamel seems to be related to the initial amounts of fluoride released . Many researchs have shown that after the fluoride-releasing elastomers were placed, percent of salivary Streptococcus mutans decrased. Fluoride-releasing elastomers in the prevention of caries through enamel remineralization, also exhibits antibacterial properties at low concentrations.
Key word : elastomeric ligature � fluoride impregnated � streptococcus mutans