Summary: | ABSTRACT
Piper cubeba Lf. has been traditionally used, among others, to treat inflammation of mucous mernbrance gonorrheaand dysentry. The purpose of this research is to find out the main content of cubeba oil which has the strongest anti bacteria power against the tested gram positive bacteria and gram negative bacteria and to know the chemical structure of this main content.
The method used in this research is isolation of the main content ofatheba- oil with thin layer chromatography, microbiological test on the tested bacteria gram positive Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and gram negative Escherichia colt ATCC 26922, and knowing the chemical structure of the main content which has the strongest anti bacteria power by comparing the Rf value with the coloration result with spray reagents, and this is confirmed by structure elucidation with UV-Visible, infrared and mass spectrometry.
The result of the research achieved is node II ( = code C) with Rf value 0,55 and with spray reagents of dark-violet vanillin- sulfate acid and red-violet anisaldehyde-sulfale acid, UV-Visible spectrum with main peak at 258,0 rem and g 26,375, infrared spectrum which shows the presence of cyclic compound and -OH bond, and mass spectrum with mle 223 enable us to know that the main content of cubeba oil is cadinol with the chemical formula C 1511280 which has the strongest anti bacteria power against the tested gram positive bacteria Staphylooscom aureus ATCC 25923 and against the tested gram negative bacteria Escherichia call ATCC 259=.
Key words: cubeba oil - anti bacterial chemical structure