Summary: | The aims of this study were to identify the form of marketing channels, to know different from share of price that received by fishermen and by fish sellers and to know the efficiency of marketing system.
The research method was survey. The samples were 60 fisherman, 4 wholesalers, 8 middlemen and 82 retailers. The data was analysed by multiple tinier regression method.
The sea fish marketing passed through three marketing channels. Every marketing institution showed that shares of price received by fishermen wore not significantly different among marketing channels (P>0.01). The higest share of price that received by fishormon was 68,67% trough the marketing channel (3). In the marketing channel (2) was 51,24% and the least was 49,73% through the marketing channel (1). The results also showed that there were sigliticantly different of marketing margins of the three channels (P>0.01). The market margin was on the marketing channel (1), namely Rp 621.63.-/kg, and the least margin was on marketing channel (3), namely Rp 340.92.- /kg. Margin was signifi- cantly influenced by the volume of marketing and marketing channels, and not significantly by marketing costs. The market structure is still imperfeet market competition, and tends to an oligopoly. The market is not integrated perfeetly, and the relationship between the fishermans price level and the consumer is relatively insignificant. In general sea fish marketing at Kupang is still not efficient.
Key words : Marketing channels efficiency of marketing �fresh sea fish.