Summary: | ABSTRACT
Indonesia is an agriculture country where farmers still use their animal labour i.e. cows or buffalos to work in wet or dry field. In general, Bali cattle is a draught animal in producing food. It was selected as a strategic animal to fulfil the requirement of labour in those fields. But, effects of work on the animal physiology have not been much published yet. Therefore, in this opportunity an experiment was conducted to study physiological responses of working Bali cattle which being worked (2 hr). The objectives of the experiment were to study physiological responses of the animal i.e. rectal and skin temperatures, respiration rate, heart beat, erythrocytes, leucocytes, hemoglobine (Hb) and Packed Cells Volume (PCV) of the animals which being worked. Three pairs (6) female Bali cattle with body weight ranges between 255 - 268 kg per head were used in this experiment. The experiment was held for 2 months at Negara, Bali. Measurement was conducted before and soon after work (2 hr) on rectal and skin temperatures CC) with a digital thermometer, respiration rate (per minute) with counting the inspiration and expiration of the air through the animals' nose, and heart beat (per minute) with stethoscope. Total number of erythrocytes and leucocytes were counted with hemacytometer, while Fib concentration with hemomcter Sahli, and PCV with IEC MB centrifuge. Results of the experiment showed that physiological responses of working female Bali cattle (2 hr) as follows: 1). Rectal and skin temperatures increased significantly. 2). Respiration rate and were heart beat rose up highly significantly. 3). Hematology values of the animals were not significantly different from to the animals that did not work.
(Key Words: Bali Cattle, Rectal Temperature, Skin Temperature, Respiration Rate, Heart Beat, Erythrocytes, Leucocytes, Hemoglobine (Fib), and Packed Cells Volume). (PCV).