Zusammenfassung: | ABSTRACT
This research aims: (1) to expose the creativity of Hikayat Pandawa Jaya (abbreviated as 1-IPJ hereafter) text copyst in integrating and transforming his/her hipogram, (2) to confirm that there is a tension between innovation and convention influenced by the Malay socio-cultural condition the literary tradition change from the Javanese tradition to the Malay tradition, (3) to expose that in the tradition change from Javanese to Malay, transformations, modifications, and reinterpretations of the Javanese tradition elements to the Malay tradition emerged. To achieve the aims, a literary method is employed in this research, namely intertextual theory.
The result shows that the code-switching from Old Javanese Barata Yuddha (Called BY) to Malay HPJ brought a number consequences. Genreswitchirtg from kakawin in the form of poem to hilcayat in the prose form caused the discussed text to have a change in function, that is from ritual-purifying to entertainment function. Besides, transformations, modifications, and demythologization applied to the text are always based on the Malay esthetic norms, culture, and ideology.
Keywords: hypogram - transformation - code - switching