Summary: | ABSTRAK
Proses karsinogenesis kimiawi karena ben:o(a)piren (BP) sangat dipengaruhi oleh proses bioaktivasi BP-7,8-DIID, selanfutnya. Inkubasi BP-7,8-DHD dengan mikrosom hepar tikus putih menunjukkan terbentuknya kedua metabolit dial-epoksid, BPDE-1 maupun BPDE-2, yang merupakan jalur Mama bioaktivasi 13P-7,8-DHD. Hal ini bisa dideduksi dart terbentuknya keempat BP-tetrol dan dua BPtriol. Selain ilu ditemukan pula beberapa derivat fenolik clan konjugal protein dart BP-7,8-DHD maupun metabolit polar yang kemungkinan merupakan hasil oksidasi lanjut dart dial-epoksid. Dan hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat jalur inetaholik lain selain pembenlukan metabolit diol-epoksid yang menyertai bioaktivasi BP-7,8-DIID.
Bemo(a)pyrene-induced carcinogenesis was governed by ,furTher bioactivation of BP-7,8-DHD. Incubation of 8P-7,8-DIM with rat liver microsomes showed the formation of the ultimate carcinogen, BPDE-1 and BPDE-2, which is believed as the main route of the bioactivation of 13P-7,8-DHD. The formation of diol-epoxides could be deduced from the appearance of four BP-teirol and two BP- triol. In addition, some other metabolites were detected including phenolic derivative and protein conjugal of BP7,8-DHD as well as polar metabolitets) which may be product of further oxidation of BP-diol-epoxide(s). The results indicate that there are some routes other than the formation of dial-epoxide accompanying route of bioactivation of BP-7,8-DHD.
Keywords: Karsinogenesis,